How to cite the Urantia Book

In terms of citing the Urantia Book, here’s how it works. Looks like there are two ways to do it.

The first method uses the page number as the primary reference, and only contains two numbers, separated by a period,  and surrounded by parentheses like this: (54.1). This example refers to the same spot as before, page 54, paragraph 1.

The second method uses the Paper as the primary reference. It contains three numbers, all separated by a colon then a period, like this: 4:0.1. They refer to Paper, page and paragraph. In this example, 4:0:1 points to Paper 4, God’s Relation to the Universe, the zeroth page, the first paragraph. Don’t know what zeroeth is? Skip to paragraph three then.

Since there are merits to both methods (and I usually see them used together), I’ll use both methods.  That way, if you have a UB copy handy, you can look up the wider context of any direct quotes used here.

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