Eternity explained in terms of Time

There are so many concepts presented in the UB that I simply cannot truly grasp, Eternity being one. Even the author of Paper 2, a Divine Counselor, admits as much:

 In all our efforts to enlarge and spiritualize the human concept of God, we are tremendously handicapped by the limited capacity of the mortal mind … All our efforts to enlarge the human concept of God would be well-nigh futile except for the fact that the mortal mind is indwelt by the bestowed Adjuster of the Universal Father and is pervaded by the Truth Spirit of the Creator Son.   (33.3)2:0.3

However, he/she the author still endeavors to explain to us time-limited mortals how the Universal Father lives in eternity, and he drops a couple hints along the way:

… he inhabits the circle of eternity … To God there is no past, present, or future; all time is present at any given moment. (34.4)2:1.5

That’s interesting, for a long time I’ve envisioned it this way, that to God “all time is present at any given moment”. It’s like He can look at any moment in time whenever he wants to, or more accurately, He can look at ALL moments of time whenever he wants to.

Not being bound by space or limited by time, he can view all of time at once, which he does at every moment. And since his mind is omnipotent, simultaneously viewing and comprehending all events that ever have, or ever will occur  is no problem.

Whew! Calgon, take me away.