The degree of God’s presence

How much God is present in our system, even on our planet, is directly proportional to how many recognize Him and elect to follow His will.Very interesting.

I often wondered about the aggregate effect of evangelism, but this explains it quite clearly.As more people come to know God, the Supreme Being evolves, and his presence here increases. I imagine that enough personalities do this, and Urantia would even be lifted out of quarantine.

That would be a wonderful antidote to Caligastia, who stills roams Urantia without limit.

Concerning God’s presence in a planet, system, constellation, or a universe, the degree of such presence in any creational unit is a measure of the degree of the evolving presence of the Supreme Being: It is determined by the en masse recognition of God and loyalty to him on the part of the vast universe organization, running down to the systems and planets themselves. Therefore it is sometimes with the hope of conserving and safeguarding these phases of God’s precious presence that, when some planets (or even systems) have plunged far into spiritual darkness, they are in a certain sense quarantined, or partially isolated from intercourse with the larger units of creation. And all this, as it operates on Urantia, is a spiritually defensive reaction of the majority of the worlds to save themselves, as far as possible, from suffering the isolating consequences of the alienating acts of a headstrong, wicked, and rebellious minority.(46.2)3:1.10

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